New and young homebuyers dream about owning a house with a dedicated “Man Space”. But, homebuyers also think about “does a man cave increase the value of your property” before splurging money to develop some home space around their interests and needs.
Millennial homebuyers prefer to have a dedicated nook or a room for relaxing and steaming off their stress with their mates after a long week over watching football or few games of beer pong while partying. But how does a man cave increase the value of your property? A man cave is a place a man wants to be to unwind without leaving the comfort of his home and having some of the amenities of the man cave complementing the house is a one step closer to breaking the sale.
Imagining the cave set up by the home seeker around the dedicated man cave space also brings along sentimental values to the prospect of buying a house with a dedicated room for a man to be free and be himself. The best features to include in a man cave to increase the property value are:
- Neutral and sober color scheme.
- Minibar with a fridge and lounge area for relaxing.
- Storage shelves and cupboards to fill in memorabilia.
- A TV console to wall mount your flat screen and hook up all your gaming consoles neatly.
- Airconditioning and heating solutions for hot days and cold winter nights.
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Why would a Buyer be Interested in Man Cave?

At least once in a man’s life, he has thought about an underground doomsday bunker for when the zombie apocalypse outbreaks. With a man cave basement, the world is open to you. Collect all your video games, stash your snacks and survive through or more realistically play video games and munch snacks throughout the weekend. The entire purpose of a man cave is to provide some form of escape from the troubles of real-life and give the guys some space to get together, keep things breezy, and just be at peace.
Considering the fast-paced lives that we’re leading these days, it isn’t entirely surprising that plenty of buyers on the real estate market are looking for homes with their very own personal spaces such as a man cave. There are plenty of reasons why these properties could seem more enticing just to bachelors, but families with children, since there’s more to a man cave than just being the “guys spot”.
A Place to Kick Back and Relax
So, you’ve had a long day at the office or out on the field, and there simply isn’t anything in the world that you want more than to get home, hit your favorite corner of the house and grab a cold one. You could be doing that in the living room, but if you’ve got an entire family under one roof, it’s going to be especially hard to get any kind of alone time at all. It has been scientifically studied that having your own safe space, is not just therapeutic on the mind, but on the body as well.
During the stressful lives that we lead today, being able to enjoy a glimpse of serenity from your very own man cave is just what some people need every day. Whether it is the peace of mind that some calm jazz music brings, or the high-flying action that some men enjoy on their gaming consoles, a living space within the confines of your home that is dedicated to taking you to your happy place is what many homeowners are out on the lookout for.
No Place Like Home to Get Ripped
There are people out there who want to get into a fit regime and have the time, as well as the social confidence to do it. But what about the ones who want to get in shape but simply don’t have the time, or the inclination to head to the gym? Apart from the physical aspect of getting in a good workout, exercise allows you to blow off steam and maintain your psychological rhythm as well, and the environment that most of us are living in, demands that we take good care of our bodies as well as our minds.
Being able to get a few miles of cardio in, while listening to your favorite tracks on full blast, or being able to practice some meditational yoga right from the home space is quite an appealing element of a man cave, which can easily be a workout jungle too. Being a balancing act for those who can’t dedicate time to a regular gym, or prefer getting those glutes stretched from the privacy of their home, having a workout schedule in place, and the equipment to help you achieve your fitness goals, could be a life saver that would be enticing to home owners.
Personal Space Improves Relationships
It isn’t a secret that relationships are complicated, and since most men aren’t masters at channeling their emotions and psychologically adjusting to the changes that come with a partner, there’s bound to be some form of territorial animosity. When it comes to the overall décor of any house, women tend to put forward their personality into the décor far more than men are able to, which can keep the guys subconsciously feeling out of place, even in their own house. It’s under these circumstances that relationships can take a toll and all sorts of dumbfounded concerns and misunderstandings can surface.
By establishing a man cave that is dedicated to the interest and likings of the guy is a proven and effective way to boost their sense of belonging and become a fruitful element in a marriage or any serious relationship. Having a private space to display their trophies, dedicate an entire wall as a mural to their favorite sports team, or just a nook where they can enjoy looking their prized collection of baseball cards can be all the “me-time” a man needs to feel in control. With a place that is decorated with artefacts that are catered to their personality, helps men regulate emotions in a healthy manner through a private space that they can call their own in every sense of the name.
How to improve your man cave to increase the property value

But, before you go overboard in theming your man cave to a specific niche, a man cave can break the deal or null the deal when it’s time to sell the house. Why may you ask? Well, most common manly interests amongst us men are sports, video games and watching movies. But its the sports team, video games and movie interests may not be alike for every individual home seeker. For example, it would not be easy to find a client who is a fan of the Chicago Bulls let alone a basketball fanatic.
Real estate experts say keeping things at a minimum and bland is the right way to go when selling the house. But a little personalized touch to a room can help increase the real estate value and support during the sale of the home. Keeping the space neutral and inviting to all family members is the right way to go to increase your home value at the time of sale. Here are some things to avoid and keep in mind while creating your man cave to increase the property value and widen your chances to crack a deal at the time of sale.
Neutral Themed
Avoid any big signs and logos of your sports team, which are irreversible to fix! Keeping things numbed down for your cherished sports team in your man cave will ensure that the room appeals to all home seekers. If white seems to dull for you, men usually gravitate towards darker shades of color, so accents in shades of darker blues and greys should go well along with the white background. Keeping things neutral is the best bet when home seekers are looking for a man cave. Thinking from the real estate perspective, having a personal space that is not predetermined by a stronger color theme, helps the prospective buyer use their own thought process in deciding how their personality can fit best into the space.
AMBIANCE and Lighting
In most US homes, the basement is where the man cave is. But the basement shouldn’t be a literary dark bat cave! Although sunlight won’t enter your basement, using LED lights and wall strips, a unique experience can be created to impress potential buyers. Every man cave has to have LED lights, and if you go up and beyond with LED smart lights preinstalled during the sale of the house, your chances of cracking the deal are higher.
LED lights are also essential to highlight the color scheme and theme of a room. You wouldn’t want to hide the custom paint job by poor lighting. In short, the buyer should not feel nervous when entering the basement. Heating and air conditioning solutions add a bonus to the property. If you have an apartment with a man themed room, make sure enough sunlight comes through the window, because not every time you will want to be in the dark.
Connectivity to The Outside World
Though just a room, it won’t be a “man cave” without the latest gadgets, gaming consoles, and a big flatscreen TV. To connect all your electronic devices, you will need a lot of power outlets. Even if the potential buyer wants to convert the cave into something else like a play area for the kids, they will have a lot of power outlet choices. You would not be living under a rock, right? Having an ethernet cable running to your basement will help you to set up a WIFI internet connection in your basement to connect all your smart devices, which intern be a convenience to the home seeker and add some value to the property with ethernet cables going to your basement or garage.
Appealing to All Family Members
Buying a new home is a huge deal, financially and emotionally, and it is by nature to get opinions from family members while purchasing a home. So, to have a man space that increases the value of the property and chances of selling it, the area needs to appeal to all family members as well. We suggest keeping a neutral theme and stripping out any offensive posters such as “no girls allowed” or any other posters you don’t want your kids to see. A no from wifey means the end of the world, so having a space that appeals and caters to all is essential for your property to have evergreen and increasing price tag.
Create A Dedicated Space
A man cave can be a finished attic, a small section of the bedroom or a dedicated room for the man of the house. Creating a dedicated space for your niche, keeping in mind with the neutral theme can create a sense of a unique space to potential buyers who are looking for a space for entertainment. For example, you can have a bar lounge in your attic to entertain your guests with a game of football and crack open a cold one with the boys. You can even dedicate one portion of your cave to indoor activities such as board games, a console unit for the TV, Ping Pong and Pool.
Storage and Shelves
A man cave is not complete without shelves and storage compartments to show off their limited-edition merch and stuff other junk in the storage cupboards. Nonetheless, shelves and storage cupboards will be used for all utilities whether a man cave or not, this should not only offer the prospective buyers a neat way to keep their exclusive belongings tucked away in the special activity room, but also provide the man cave with a much-needed privacy portal to keep valuables tucked away.
Sound Proof Your Walls
Chances are if you are a band member and you spend your hours shredding the electric guitar in your garage, you must have soundproofed your walls using acoustic insulations so that your neighbors don’t call the cops on you for playing the guitar at 1 in the morning. The new homeowners might not use the garage to play a musical instrument, but transform the area into a man cave with a full theatre setup for watching movies and playing video games without disturbing the neighbors. Soundproofing your walls will increase the chances to sell the house. Want to soundproof your walls on cheap and without breaking your walls. Cover your room with acoustic foam tiles to soundproof your wall in your man cave.
Building A Bathroom
While most American basements have provision and fittings for bathroom fixtures, not a lot of them do have toilets in their basements. Building a bathroom will not only increase the real estate value but the convenience of not needing to leave your man cave for going to the bathroom. And if you are inviting over your friends every weekend to through a party in the basement, having a restroom right in your man cave will make sure they do not have to leave the party and use your home bathroom.
Circling back to the point of whether a man cave increases the value of your house, the simple answer is – Yes! Most women would rather have their guys spending hours cooped up in the basement shouting over athletes, or raging up a storm over some good old fashioned gaming sessions over the internet, than go our and spend the entire night getting wasted at a bar, just to get some guy time with his buds.
In addition to the fact that a man cave can easily be a family getaway space for activities, they are also the perfect place to get the couples night going while the little ones wreak havoc all over the rest of the house. If you were ever worried that carving out some space from the house to create a man cave would cause the real estate value of the place to take a nosedive, then you’re grossly mistaken. Most modern homeowners are on the lookout for properties that come equipped with a predefined personal space for the men, be it in the basement, or the attic of the house.
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